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2002-07-16 - 11:44 a.m.


OK, so I've been avoiding an updated entry regarding my trip to the customer site.... I was unable to fix the problem. Just as I said I would be after all my cockiness about the happenings around here. But - I couldn't fix the problem for a very good reason. It seems the phone system used by this particular business is set to not allow certain prefixes to be dialed.... so it's their problem. Fix that, and the issue is resolved.

Meanwhile - I have fallen off the exercise wagon. Haven't done anything healthy in a few days now. Doesn't sound bad, but I know myself and I'm likely to stretch this into months if I can.

Also - nothing on the job front either. I'm getting tired of waiting around, so I sent out another batch of resumes today.... we'll see what happens.

This has got to be the whole entry for now - I'm at work and need to actually get something done.....

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duh - 2008-09-15

hi mac - 2006-12-12

corporate whore - 2006-11-03

new - 2006-10-05

elvis costello sings for you - 2006-09-27

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