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2002-05-24 - 11:33 a.m.

so this is it

So this is the very first entry. It feels good strange exciting. That's the best way I can describe it. Before I get too far into this, I must give credit where it's due. To the one I have always looked up to, my big brother, I know you hate it I say this, but you are brilliant. I am humbled by your knowledge and your wisdom. I am also humbled by his site which includes the diary he's been doing for years. Please look at it if you get a chance, you can find it here

I feel like I would be wrong to not include my thanks and appreciation for Mid, who has great things to say on her very own Diaryland diary (recently moved). You really should check hers out here. On to what I'm here for. What is that exactly? I am not sure yet. To begin, this diary is sort of a shared endeavor of my wife and I. She'll be contributing entries every now and then. No one ever said it had to be just one person doing the entries!

We're going to keep it pretty simple, at least to begin with. I just need a place to write down thoughts, ideas, happenings, and opinions.

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duh - 2008-09-15

hi mac - 2006-12-12

corporate whore - 2006-11-03

new - 2006-10-05

elvis costello sings for you - 2006-09-27

What I Read(for fun and amusement)


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