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2003-01-16 - 4:51 p.m.

this job doesn't suck.... always

Sometimes you have those days when you feel like things have gone well, you've done what needs doin', you accomplished something.

Well... something's wrong because I've now had two of those days in a row. I've been answering questions, sending emails, repairing machines like a MADMAN! It feels good to be productive. It also feels good to be smarter than 90% of my co-workers. Now, I know that sounds bad or in poor taste, but it is true. I don't mean anything harsh by this and I don't mean to put anyone down... it's just a realization that I have every now and then.

Tomorrow will definitely be a different story though. There's a sales meeting that I have to attend. And they expect me to speak. In front of people. About stuff. Not just stuff, they want me to announce the names of those who are delinquent with responses to an email I sent out. That's exactly what I want to do tomorrow.... stand in front of ~150 people talking AND have to make stupid announcements about how they haven't done something I asked them to do. All I know is, I hope I don't puke right in front of the entire gathering. Don't laugh - it's possible. I'm just not a "Hey! Look at me" type of a guy. I don't like attention. I don't really want it. Ususally.

Today though, I brought in a pocket-sized, framed copy of my diploma from graduate school. I put it in an inconspicuous place. The plan was simple: bring the diploma in and see what types of reactions I get. The Romanian Ass I work with is the only one to have noticed so far. He started making fun of it, and me. I have a health policy degree from a business school. He just saw "business school" and started making comments about diminishing returns and e-commerce and a bunch of other shit.

He did this for two reasons:

1. He wants to make it seem that it's not intimidating to him that I have been through lots of school, while he's still trying to grasp the english language.

2. He's making a (hilarious) attempt at showing me that he knows some catch words. What bugs him more than anything else is the fact that someone might have some knowledge he does not possess. He came to me earlier today to ask me how I managed to map a drive to our old network, and how much authority I have (copy, delete, save, etc.) on the old network. I asked him why he wanted to know and he tried to avoid the question.... until he called me from his office to ask for help getting into the old network. It killed him to ask me. Seems he had an assignment that required the network and he couldn't figure it out.

Well, this has turned into one big "pat-myself-on-the-back" entry. What the hell. I deserve it.

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hi mac - 2006-12-12

corporate whore - 2006-11-03

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elvis costello sings for you - 2006-09-27

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