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2002-05-25 - 4:11 p.m.

locked out

There was a concert last night. We thought at first that we would go, but then Amanda reminded me of her aversion to large crowd settings. After a long day at work I was more than happy to just spend some "quatlity time" at home with her. We decided to go rent some movies and try to relax for the evening.

As soon as I closed the door from the house into the garage, it hit me that I had left my keys inside. Since I usually drive, Amanda had not brought her keys with her... we were locked out. It upset me at first, but then we both thought it was kind of a funny situation. Then I remembered that we had made a couple extra sets in preparation for the house-sitter before our trip to California a few weeks ago. They used to be in the garage, but not being too comfortable with leaving them there, I took them all inside. And that's where they all were. Inside. We were outside. Needless to say, we got back in the house, but we had to break in to do it. Everyone we knew who has a key to our house went to the concert....

You know, it's amazingly simple to break in to your own house. I was a bit dismayed by the fact that neither of our neighbors, who both have a clear view of the back of our house, came out to investigate. Maybe they thought we were just cleaning the windows or something. In any case, we made it back inside.

To the confusion of the dogs, we then left again, keys in hand. We made it through the rest of the night without incident. One of the movies we rented was "K-Pax". I don't think it did so well at the box-office, but we were both impressed. I kept waiting for the "surprise ending" that was promised, but with a movie like that it could have only been one of two things:

1. He really is an alien from the planet K-PAX.

2. He really is a lunatic, amnesiac, psychotic who had something terrible happen in his life to make him the way he is.

So if you haven't seen the movie, and don't want to have the surprise ruined, stop reading here.

OK. Surprise! It's number 2. By the time it was revealed to us, I was already busy trying to figure out what the traumatic event could have been. It was a good movie, though. Good enough for a rental that is. Good enough to make us go buy the book this morning. So I am currently reading it, along with various manuals that I have to read in order to do my job. It's a good break in the day - even though I already know the story.

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duh - 2008-09-15

hi mac - 2006-12-12

corporate whore - 2006-11-03

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elvis costello sings for you - 2006-09-27

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